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Improving Your Home Office With a Standing Desk

With so many people working from home for an extended period of time, many are beginning to find that sitting on their couch with their laptop is beginning take a toll on their health in the form of back and neck pain. This is because the human body is not designed to sit for hours on end, particularly hunched over to look at an electronic device. A recent article by the Wall Street Journal discusses the importance of paying attention to ergonomics while working from home. Fortunately, standing desk converters offer a way to maintain good posture, elevate monitor heights, and provide movement throughout the day while accommodating the limited space that home office workers face.

Victor DCX760G - Standing Desk Converter
Victor DCX760G – Standing Desk Converter

Finding the Right Sit-Stand Desk Solution

A standing desk goes a long way toward a healthier lifestyle. Being able to switch between sitting and standing throughout the day allows employees to get up and move about while continuing to work. Standing for intervals throughout the day leads to a healthier heart and an improved posture. 

What to Look For: You’ll want a standing desk that can raise up to the proper ergonomic height for you. When standing, your arms should be positioned at approximately a 90-degree angle at the elbows while typing. Having enough work space for keyboard, mouse, notebooks, and other items is another important consideration for bringing your work to standing height with you. While many standing desk models raise the whole desktop with you, consider a standing desk converter. These type of models sit on top of existing furniture and cost less too, saving you both time and space in what may already be a crowded environment.

Victor DCX610 - Compact Standing Desk Converter
Victor DCX610 Compact Standing Desk Converter

The Importance of Elevating Monitor Height

Users should be able to look at their screens without having to constantly crane their necks up or down. If the screen is too low, it can lead to a slumping posture, which may create joint inflammation and neck and back pain. “The top of the monitor should be in line with your eyes and about arms-length away,” advises chiropractic Dr. Greg Venning. 

What to Look For: There are a variety of monitor risers (like the Victor 1175-5) and adjustable monitor mounts (such as the Victor DC002) that allow users to elevate the height of their screens. If upgrading to a standing desk, consider a two-tier standing desk converter like the Victor DCX760G that allows monitors and laptops to be placed higher than the keyboard. Some standing desk models will feature adjustable monitor arms built into the unit for a more ergonomically customizable setting, such as the Victor DC450. It’s important to make sure that your standing desk will allow your monitors to be positioned at an ergonomic height when you are sitting or standing, as proper neck posture matters when you are doing both throughout the day.

Victor DC450 Electric Dual Monitor Standing Desk Converter
Victor DC450 Electric Dual Monitor Standing Desk Converter

Don’t Forget About Sitting Posture Too

While standing throughout the day and getting movement in is important, how we spend our time sitting also deserves consideration. Office chairs are not one-size-fits-all. Sitting for several hours with poor posture still has negative consequences, even with standing or activity breaks throughout the day.

What to Look For: You should have a chair that allows you to adjust its seat height and armrest height. When sitting, the chair should be at a height that allows you to rest your feet flat on the floor, with legs at a 90-degree angle. Dr. Venning recommends that armrests should be positioned a little higher than the desktop to allow comfortable positioning of the arms and wrists while sitting and typing.

Explore ways that Victor can help you achieve better workplace ergonomics at Victor Tech.

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